REIGN OF CHRIST REV. LEIGH CAMPBELL-TAYLORPSALM 46; COLOSSIANS 1:15-20 Bulletin Marcelo GalvaoNovember 24, 2019
SOMETHING OLD, SOMETHING NEW REV. EMMA NEISHLOSS2 THESSALONIANS 3:6-13; ISAIAH 65:17-25 Bulletin Marcelo GalvaoNovember 17, 2019
THIS I BELIEVE Anthony Cochran, Katie Davis, & Bob WellsDEUTERONOMY 26:1-11; PHILIPPIANS 4:4-9 Bulletin Marcelo GalvaoNovember 10, 2019
SINNERS AND SAINTS REV. LEIGH CAMPBELL-TAYLOREPHESIANS 1:15-23; LUKE 19:1-10 BulletinInsert Marcelo GalvaoNovember 3, 2019
OFFERING PRAISE REV. LEIGH CAMPBELL-TAYLORLUKE 18:9-14; PSALM 65 Bulletin Marcelo GalvaoOctober 27, 2019
Seeking the Welfare of the City Rachel SutphinLUKE 17:11-19; JEREMIAH 29:1, 4-11 Bulletin Marcelo GalvaoOctober 13, 2019
World Communion Rev. Emma NeishlossHABAKKUK 1:1-4; 2:1-4; LUKE 17:1-10 Bulletin Marcelo GalvaoOctober 6, 2019
Prophetic Edge Rev. Leigh Campbell-Taylor1 TIMOTHY 6:6-10; 17-19; JEREMIAH 32:1-3A, 6-15 Bulletin Marcelo GalvaoSeptember 29, 2019
Rejoice with Me Rev. Leigh Campbell-Taylor1 TIMOTHY 1:12-17; LUKE 15:1-10 Bulletin Marcelo GalvaoSeptember 15, 2019
All the Good that We May Do for Christ Rev. Leigh Campbell-TaylorPSALM 139:1-6, 17-18 Bulletin Marcelo GalvaoSeptember 8, 2019
Be My Guest Rev. Emma NeishlossHEBREWS 13:1-8; 15-16; LUKE 14:1; 7-14 Bulletin Marcelo GalvaoSeptember 1, 2019
When the Teacher Breaks the Rules Rev. Leigh Campbell-TaylorISAIAH 58:9B-14; LUKE 13:10-17 Bulletin Marcelo GalvaoAugust 25, 2019
What We Need to Succeed Rev. Leigh Campbell-TaylorISAIAH 5:1-7; HEBREWS 11:29-12:2 Bulletin Marcelo GalvaoAugust 18, 2019
The Function of Faith Rev. Emma NeishlossGENESIS 15:1-6; HEBREWS 11:1-3, 8-16 Bulletin Marcelo GalvaoAugust 11, 2019
Instead of Being a Fool Rev. Leigh Campbell-TaylorECCLESIASTES 1:12-14; 2:18-23; LUKE 12:13-21 Bulletin Marcelo GalvaoAugust 4, 2019
Your One Wild and Precious Life Joanna AdamsMATTHEW 16:21-25; EXODUS 3:1-15Bulletin Marcelo GalvaoJuly 21, 2019