
The Board of Deacons, or diaconate, is a committee established by and reporting to the Session. However, like the elders on Session, candidates for the position of deacon are nominated by members of the congregation annually and elected by the congregation as a whole. Deacons serve for a term of three years. Newly elected deacons are examined by the current Session and ordained during a worship service. Ordination is for life.

The office of deacon dates from the dawn of Christianity when individuals were chosen to care for the needs of the congregation. MPC’s Board of Deacons has a special role in providing congregational nurture and spiritual care, welcoming new members into their church home and helping them find opportunities here for service and fellowship, and paying extra attention to shut-ins and others who need special care. Deacons also play a large part in the church’s hospitality.

Officers for the 2024–2025 MPC Board of Deacons

Moderator: Carly Dubay
Co-Moderator: Natalie Batchelor

Officers for the 2022 MPC Board of Deacons

Moderator: Kimberly Williams
Co-Moderator: Carly Dubay

Class of 2025

Curt Barrett
Carly Dubay
Jane McRae
Myles Smith

Class of 2026

Natalie Batchelor
Susan Gilbreath
Will Lewis
Jerry Mashburn

Class of 2027

Alan Bremer
Allison Semans
Michael Sieschlag
Kimberly Williams