MPC Kids—Learning on Sundays
Ages Birth to 2 years
Childcare is available during the worship service for ages birth-PreK in room 105, concluding after the 11:00 service.
Christian Education
Sunday Funday School is available for children (2 years-old through 5th grade) at 9:45 a.m.
Birth-PreK: Children will meet in the classrooms downstairs on the preschool side of the building (if exiting the sanctuary turn RIGHT and go down the stairs at the end of the hall).
Kindergarten-1st Grade: Students will meet downstairs on the Welcome Center side of the building in room 001.
2nd-4th Grade: Students will meet downstairs on the Welcome Center side of the building in room 003.
Children in Worship
All children are welcome in worship all the time!
Worship bags are available for children of all ages. Grab a bag outside of the sanctuary doors and then head to the table next to the bags to pick up coloring sheets, children's bulletins, and plain paper. Please return bags to their stand following worship.
Children will be called forward during the Time with Children to hear a special message.
Following this time, children (two years-old through 2nd graders) are invited to follow our staff members to Children’s Church in the Fellowship Hall or return to their seats. 1st-2nd graders will return to worship after the sermon. Children 3rd grade and up will remain in worship following the children’s sermon. Parents may pick up younger children in room 001 or on the playground following worship.
Staff in the nursery are available to care for children ages 0-24 months and parents may drop off their children in the nursery anytime between 9:30 a.m.–noon.