This Week
Click on the hyperlinks for more info.
All meetings are held virtually.
Saturday, March 8
9:00 am Clean the Ravine
6:00 pm Couples & Friends (offsite)
Sunday, March 9
11:00 am Worship
12:00 pm Fellowship
12:30 pm Club 46 (offsite)
12:30 pm Movies@ Morningside
2:00 pm NFRAS Board Meeting
4:00 pm Lenten Book Study (Zoom)
Monday, March 10
9:00 am Partner with the Preacher
Tuesday, March 11
8:00 am P4BG Lobby Day (GA State Capitol)
10:00 am IC Grocery Delivery
1:30 pm Staff Meeting
7:30 pm Handbell Choir Rehearsal
Wednesday, March 12
12:00 pm Lunch Bunch
5:30 pm Officer Nominating Committee Meeting
6:00 pm Middle Ground/MPC Kids!
6:10 pm Children's Choir Rehearsal
7:30 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, March 13
12:00 pm Centering Prayer
4:00 pm Tai Chi
7:00 pm LGBT & Friends (offsite)
Friday, March 14
8:00 am Men's Coffee (Press & Grind)
6:30 pm Screen on the Green
7:00 pm High School Mystery Night (offsite)
Saturday, March 15
No Scheduled Events
Sunday, March 16
9:45 am Sunday School for All Ages
11:00 am Worship with Communion
12:30 pm RHO Readers
12:30 pm FAM (Sweetwater Brewery)
4:00 pm Lenten Book Study (Zoom)
6:00 pm Youth Group
Community Groups
Morningside Presbyterian Church provides hospitality for a number of community organizations including:
Morningside Lenox-Park Association
Scout Troop 29
If you or your group are interested in using MPC's facilities, please contact the church office for general information, prices, and request forms.